How to Avoid Roofing Scams After Hurricanes

Insights From The Pros


After the destructive force of severe weather events like hurricanes, the vulnerability of roofs becomes evident. As Louisiana homeowners and businesses begin the process of rebuilding and repairing, it is crucial to remain vigilant and aware of the potential for roofing scams and fraud. Here, we are pleased to share valuable tips on avoiding falling victim to the many roofing scams that inundate our area after hurricanes. We will focus on safeguarding your property, dealing with insurance claims, and selecting a reputable roofing company.


Prioritize Safety and Property Protection

Ensuring safety and protecting your property should be your top priorities in the aftermath of a hurricane. Here’s what you can do:


Secure Your Premises

Immediately after the storm, as soon as it is safely possible, take steps to secure your property by covering any openings, such as broken windows – or damaged roofs. This will help prevent further damage and will also deter potential scammers. At Allied Xteriors we are here for our community when the storm hits, and assistance is needed quickly. Our services include temporary roofing solutions, like WrapRoof, that can protect your home or building and help protect your contents from further damage.


Document The Damage

For insurance purposes, thoroughly document the damage by taking photographs and videos. Make a detailed inventory of the affected areas, including the roof, to accurately assess the extent of the repairs needed. 


Seek Professional Advice

Consult a professional roofer for guidance on temporary repairs that can prevent further water intrusion. This expertise will help you avoid compromising any insurance claims. Add Allied Xteriors to your contacts now, so you are ready if the need, unfortunately, arises – (985) 966-6707. We are here if you need us. 


Be Wary of Door-to-Door Solicitations

Fraudsters often take advantage of the chaos following a hurricane by going door-to-door, offering quick repairs or inspection services. Stay cautious and keep the following in mind:


Research Potential Contractors

Before committing to any services, research the company thoroughly. Check online reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge their reputation and reliability.


Avoid Upfront Payments

Reputable companies typically do not require large upfront payments. Be cautious if someone insists on full payment before starting the work. Trusted contractors often ask for deposits or progress payments as the project advances.


Verify Credentials

Ask the company for their license, insurance, and references. Contact the provided references to ensure their legitimacy. Reputable contractors will gladly provide this information.


Insurance Claims and Settlements

Navigating insurance claims can be complex, but protecting your rights and ensuring a fair settlement is crucial. 


Consider the following tips during this process:


Promptly Report The Damage

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the damage. Provide them with the necessary documentation, including photos, videos, and a detailed inventory of the affected areas.


Seek Multiple Estimates

Obtain estimates from several contractors to compare prices and services. This will help you identify unusually high or low quotes and make an informed decision.


Understand Your Policy

Familiarize yourself with the details of your insurance policy. Pay close attention to coverage limits, deductibles, and any special provisions related to natural disasters. At Allied Xteriors, our team is knowledgeable and experienced with insurance companies and their various policies and procedures. We are here to help you navigate the process every step of the way.


Consult Your Insurance Company

Beware of fraudulent adjusters who approach you unsolicited. Always verify their credentials and consult with your insurance company for approvals before allowing anyone to inspect your property. 


Selecting Allied Xteriors: Your Trusted Roofing Company

Choosing a reliable roofing company is paramount to ensuring quality repairs and minimizing the risk of scams. 


Here’s why Allied Xteriors stands out:


Local Presence and Expertise 

Allied Xteriors is proud to have an established local presence in Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida. Our experienced professionals possess an in-depth understanding of the region’s specific needs and building codes.


Licensing and Insurance

Allied Xteriors is fully licensed, insured, and bonded, ensuring your protection from any liability. 


Transparent Communication

We provide a detailed written contract that includes all aspects of the job, such as materials, start and completion dates, payment terms, and warranties. We are here to answer any questions before you sign the contract and throughout the process and scope of work.


Industry Recognition

Allied Xteriors holds certifications and affiliations with recognized industry organizations. Our commitment to excellence is highlighted by credentials such as GAF Master Elite® Contractor and NEIF Approved Contractor, which signifies high professionalism and expertise.


Recovering from the devastation of a hurricane requires careful planning and consideration, especially regarding roof repairs. It can be challenging during such a difficult time. By following our tips, you can avoid falling victim to roofing scams and ensure the safety and integrity of your property. Prioritize safety, research contractors, handle insurance claims diligently, and choose a reputable roofing company like Allied Xteriors that delivers quality work and peace of mind. Together, we can successfully navigate the post-hurricane recovery process and confidently restore your roof.


Be Cool

Reach out to one of our expert team members today to hear about our services, get an estimate and get your roofing system secure today.

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